Leadership Team
CHC Presidents: Christine Henseler & Alan Liu
Director of Humanities Communication Training Institute (HumComm) — Christine Henseler
- General Workshops Director
- Scholars Communication Program Directors
- Scholar Communication Track: Anke Finger
- Public Humanities and Publishing Track: Kath Burton
- Social Media Internship Program Directors
Director of Humanities Communication Interchange (HumSource) — Alan Liu
- [Other developers TBD]
CHC Associates
Associates are members of the CHC who take on a defined role that they propose or that supports a function of the CHC, including helping with specific CHC needs or participating in working groups or initiatives of the CHC. (See more at What Are CHC “Associates”?) (Form to become a CHC Associate)
Elizabeth McDermott (Associate Professor of English and Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, University of St. Francis in Joliet, IL)
Kelly Oman (Assistant Director of Research Communication, University of Virginia)
Cheryl Sadowski (writer, storyteller, and communications consultant)
- [Other Associates TBD]
Advisory Board
- Johanna Drucker (Distinguished Research Professor Emerita, Department of Information Studies, UCLA)
- Lynn Pasquerella (President, American Association of Colleges and Universities)
- Robert B. Townsend (Program Director for Humanities, Arts, and Culture for the American Academy of Arts & Sciences)
- [The CHC Advisory Board is in the process of being formed. Other members TBD.]
Organizational Partners
Grantors & Sponsors
- American Academy of Arts & Sciences — Co-sponsor of CHC’s “Humanities Communication Convening” in 2024.
- National Endowment for the Humanities — NEH Chair’s Grant for CHC’s “Humanities Communication Convening” in 2024. (CHC announcement of grant. Grant received by American Association of Colleges & Universities acting as CHC’s fiscal sponsor.)