Organizers of the Center for Humanities Communication including Anke Finger, Christine Henseler, Ala Liu, and Isabell Sluka will conduct a session at the National Humanities Conference 2023 in Indianpolis titled “How to Communicate Your Humanities Scholarship to the Public” (October 26, 12:45-2:15 PM Eastern Time, Marriott 8).
The goal of this hands-on workshop is to teach scholars in the humanities and allied fields how to document, remediate, and assess one’s humanities work and how to communicate the products of research and teaching to public audiences. The workshop focuses on how to use different media for distinct audiences, and how to assign meaning and value of one’s daily work by using a variety of metrics. To frame this workshop, participants will be presented with the proposal for a new humanities communication center and training program meant to support their efforts moving forward.
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